Use the below as a template to tell us a bit about yourself, anyone can join as long as you're awesome and looking to make friends and above all have fun gaming!
<Sorted Gaming> Application Form
For those wanting to be considered to join Sorted, please fill in this application form and post it in a new post in our Application forum section (example: Bob's application) :
Section 1
1.1 General Online Name:
1.2 Where are you? (Country, City):
1.3 How did you find Sorted? (Forums, Friend suggested etc):
1.4 Do you have Discord (Voice Comms)?
Section 2
2.1 Know anyone in Sorted? A bit of vouching goes a long way!:
2.2 Tell us a bit about you, where you are from, your gaming history, your game genre preferences etc:
2.3 Give us an example of something funny that happened to you while gaming. This question counts double marks! :
2.4 What are you hoping for from Sorted? :
The following section needs only to be answered if you intend on joining Sorted on Any of our MMO's (GW2 and/or WoW). If you have no intention of joining for any of these MMOs you may skip section 3.
Section 3
3.1 Game (GW2, WoW please specify EU or NA) ?:
3.2 Character Name:
3.3 Character Race and Class:
3.4 Level & Spec:
3.5 If you were to Raid/PvP, what days and times suit you for group activity?:
3.6 How long have you been playing MMOs for?:
3.7 Any previous raiding experience?: (eg. WoW Ulduar with Sorted on Whisperwind):
3.8 Do you PvP?:
3.9 If necessary, would you be okay respeccing your toon to fill a need in Sorted?:
Please realise that as a new member you will not be guaranteed a raiding team. With that said however, there is always something to do within the community
Being a South African community we play at South African times (GMT+2), so please consider this when applying.
Please note that the forums are an integral part of being in any community, and Sorted is no exception, so read them!
Application To Sorted - Start here
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