Thwen's App

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Thwen's App

Postby Thwen » Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:31 pm

1.1: Thwen
1.2: South Africa, Eastern Cape
1.3: Forums
1.4: Yes

2.1: No
2.2: I started playing wow in early 2007 I've played since then. I play a lot of CS GO as well. I was the biggest no lifer in Diablo 3 in South Africa at a point as well took them 2-3 seasons to catch up to my paragon levels, and progression.
2.3: When playing Diablo 3, my mate said hold up and ran to the bathroom because he kak'd himself xD.
2.4: Just a chilled environment.

3.1: WoW EU
3.2: Thwen
3.3: Undead Rogue
3.4: 110 Sin, Outlaw
3.5: I don't really mind on which days we raid or PvP. Will be online for them anyways.
3.6: Since I was 6 years old. I'm 17 at the moment so nearly 11/12 years
3.8: Yes, I just need to level my PvP character. "Leveling is boring after the 100th time..."
3.9: Yes, I will always want to be useful in raids etc.

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Re: Thwen's App

Postby Marz » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:18 am

Rofl Diablo 3 isnt that scary haha
I am sure Vale will be in contact with you soon if he hasnt already

Welcome to the community Thwen

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